Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4/19/2011 - then to a fitting. . .

My dreams of playing a Chinese gangster went kurplutz this morning when I received a call from the agency telling me that I have been cast as a rickshaw driver (carrier?  operator?  chauffeur?) instead.  Sam said I've been demoted to a coolie.

I'm a little disappointed, but not horribly so.  I mean, the bright, shining truth is that come tomorrow morning, I will be walking onto the set of an actual movie with actual movie stars, and last I checked, this is not something that happens to me every day.  Of course, I may not actually share any screen time with these stars, or even see any of them on set, but I do know that Parker Posey is in the same movie I'm extraing in.  To this day, Linda and I can still rattle off lines from her all-too-brief cameos on Will and Grace as Jack's nightmare boss, Dorlene, at Barney's New York, New York.  Our favorite: "Not only will I fire you, I will rehire you, pull your hair, and fire you again."

I have already decided that if she graces me with her presence, I will discard all dignity and tell her why I loved her so on Will and Grace, why she was my favorite character in Best in Show, and how she was the only memorable thing in Superman Returns.

But before any of that can happen, I had to run to the costume shop during my lunch today to take care of some logistics.  I filled out some paperwork, including my non-union worker's voucher (minimum wage, whoo-hoo!), and proved to them that I am eligible to work in the United States.  Afterwards, I was whisked off to "hair" (no other descriptions or words needed, apparently), where I got a minimal, but coolie-appropriate trimming, then to a fitting, where I surreptitiously took this:

Stardom begins with a single step (and a rickshaw in my grip).

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