Tuesday, July 19, 2011

7/19/2011 - almost poetic. . .

This morning, my co-workers and I took our boss out to a quick breakfast of oatmeal and coffee in honor of her birthday.  Though we successfully avoided talking very much about work, my boss did say the following about her 11-year tenure with the company.  It was quite enlightening, and almost poetic; I've been thinking about it all day:

I never thought that I would still be here.  When I was 23, I thought I'd stay around for a few years, then move on to a different job, one with more writing because I wanted to be a writer.  Journalism even, maybe.  But then I watched all of my friends get laid off in the dot-com bust, all while I felt more and more secure here.  My job was easy enough.  I got to travel, practice yoga, do things I was passionate about, and finally just realized that I didn't need work to define my life.  I should define my life.

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